Daphne Raban is an associate professor at the School of Business Administration, Academic Head of the University Library, and founding Head of the Department of Information & Knowledge Management at the University of Haifa. She is a member of LINKS, the Israeli Center of Research Excellence on Learning in a Networked Society and of the Internet Research Lab and of the Data Science Center.
Her areas of expertise include the information society and the information economy as well as bibliometry; specifically, she studies information markets and business models, knowledge sharing, information diffusion, social media, serious games and novel approaches to science measurement. In addition to conducting behavioral experiments, she performs data-driven research including methods in network analysis and topic modeling. Her work has been published in refereed journals including JCMC, JASIST, EJIS, ICS, CHB, JIS, PLOS One, Internet Research, Scientometrics, Simulation & Gaming and more.

What are information markets, and why are they failing?
What is information and who produces it? Broadly defined, information is anything that is created digitally or that…