Dr. Anat Lior is a Postdoc Resident Fellow at the Information Society Project. She obtained her Doctorate degree from Yale Law School, under the supervision of Professor Jack Balkin, researching the intersection of Artificial Intelligence, tort law insurance law and antitrust law. She also works closely with Professor Lior Zemer, focusing on the field of intellectual property.
Anat completed a dual degree in Law and Business Administration (LL.B./B.A, Summa cum Laude) at Reichman University (IDC) in Israel, as well as a Master’s Degree in Law (LL.M., Summa cum Laude) at the IDC and at Yale Law School. During her Master’s degree at the IDC she wrote her thesis on cyberbullying and freedom of speech under the supervision of Prof. Amnon Rubinstein and Dr. Adam Shinar. Anat also worked with Professor Aharon Barak, former Chief Justice of the Israeli Supreme Court, focusing on comparative constitutional law.
Her current research focuses on the intersection of insurance law and emerging technologies, with a focus on Artificial intelligence. She has collaborated with the European University Institute (EUI) and the WZB Center on these topics.

Artificial Intelligence and Tort Law – Who Should be Held Liable when AI Causes Damages?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a prevalent part of our society and commercial market. Autonomous vehicles, drones, robotic…